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8 October 2006, 4.22 pm gametime, 2.45 pm my time. The hospital is full of ‘Save our Hospital’ stickers. Blood everywhere. Then, I reencounter CLOUDYSUNNY, whom I had met earlier in the game, and NUMBERICS, whom I cannot remember meeting before. CLOUDYSUNNY is almost dead. He is crying for help. I try to get him to come out of the hospital to Kath’s Café so I can get him a cup of tea, but he appears not to follow me.

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9 October 2006 (I cannot recall the precise time I rarived at this destination). I arrive at the airport and have an uncanny sense of de-ja-vu. It was, after all, less than two weeks ago that I was waiting here for my flight to Berlin. My aunt was still alive then. I was less exhausted. I was full of expectations. I did not know what any of this would feel like. I even remember noticing the flight to Hamburg and thinking that I’d take it next February to visit her for her special birthday. I am suddenly overwhelmed again, feeling the loss of people who have always been part of my life. The game is a welcome distraction. I arrive at the hospital. There’s a guitar here, as well as some sick dogs and a many defibrillators. I remember that CLOUDYSUNNY was in trouble here yesterday. I had suggested he came with me for a cup of tea, but then lost him on my way. I pick up a defibrillator for him and try to find him. I give him mine. He obviously has no idea how to find a defibrillator and I drop mine so he can pick it up. I have to explain this to him. He calls me an angel. Somehow I feel good about this. HERBERT also wants a defibrillator – surely he can share one with CLOUDYSUNNY. Apparently HERBERT has some sick friends at the Rec. I feel sorry for the sick dogs though, and decide that first I must take one to the Blue Cross. I am hungry and need to eat something. The food available at the airport reminds me of the food in the game.

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16 October 2006, 12.10 pm gametime, 11.32 my time. I arrive at the hospital. There is no one here.

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18 October 2006, 2.54 am game time, 6.22 pm my time. The new doc, alias HASSAN, is diagnosing PAUL with pre-traumatic stress disorder and recommends the he gets a sandwich at the 24 hour garage. CLOUDYSUNNY has also seen him and is now on his way to the bins in the hope to get an unemployment check. I wait for my turn, wondering how he’ll treat my poor face. Finally the new doc, HASSAN, has a slot for me. He wonders whether a bear inflicted my injuries. This sounds very exciting and I am too embarrassed to admit that they were inflicted by a broom I myself picked up, so I make up this story about a white unicorn with a golden horn which sends BERLIN too sleep. HASSAN then goes all quiet. BERLIN points out that my make-up is very irritating. This confuses the doc who now thinks I suffer from some strange skin allergy. I, of course, have no make-up, just the awful injuries inflicted by the broom. Then the game goes quiet. Perhaps I have sent both HASSAN and BERLIN to sleep again.

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19 October 2006 3.39 am game time, 3.49 pm my time. I have my saveloy and feel very fine indeed. I can see that CLOUDYSUNNY wants BERLIN to use the defibrillator on them. Then CLOUDYSUNNY reveals to be poor but not dying and to be at Schlingensief’s Kaprow City.

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20 October 2006 4.11 am game time, 10.59 am my time. BERLIN, MOMO, BRILLER are here. There are also some defibrillators. I am told to go and help MOO, so I decide to get some scampi for all.

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20 October 2006, 4.41 game time, 4.15 my time. I head back to the hospital. SUPER GIRL and RICHARD are here.

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21 October 2006, 5.12 am game time, 12.45 pm my time. CLOUDYSUNNY is happy about my schrimps which I share out. Then HASSAN makes a new appearance. He has had a long shift and is thinking to step out for a walk. We end up at Kath’s Café where my game started and we first met.