30 October 2006

I received the follwoing interesting feedback about Day of the Figurines by Mieke Matzke

Hi Gabriella,

after one week the game stopped, I finally find the time to answer you. It was the start of the semester and I got a terrible flu. But nevertheless I would like to give you some last impressions of my experience of "Day of the figurines", even I don´t know if it is still interesting for you. (You can quote everything)

I really liked how you was introduced to a certain atmosphere. Travelling around and returning to some places, after two weeks I got the impression as if I knew the town. (and some the inhabitants). Even it was sometimes hard to "stay in the game": for example when you get messages on days where haven´t anytime to think about the game and you aren´t really in a mood of playing. What I didn´t like was, how your figurine/or your situation was defined by the game/or got a message, like you are ill. I was wondering if I got the impression being defind by others, because of the reduced format of the sms (you can´t really tell a long stroy in a sms). So for me the game was also about the ambiguity of decisions you cuold make (talking to others, travailling around, eating etc.) and to be over-directed by the game (I hope it is the right word). Put perhaps this is the crucial point of all games. It took me quite a time to understand the rules and my possibilities to react in the game. To deal out what was my interest in the game (travelling with my figurine, oberservating, getting an impression of an narrative) was in the end, the moist interestig point for me.

It was really nice to meet you and I really hope we meet again,

all the best
