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saved Mar 16/2007 05:45AM by nk
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Tony Oursler

The classical approach to video space is within a Western hierarchy, which means that the head is the center - eyes and mouth - and the rest of the picture is background or is part of the frame. Video is also a hypnotic medium and leads to a neutral space - this is the place inside which we grow, and it is important that we swim into it, make it two-way, violate the power structure of technology. Now I’m interested in putting the video into the exterior world and letting it function there. (original emphasis, Oursler in Janus 1999: 72)

I have the idea that the media space has transposed realism to create a new space of everyday life. Dismally, we have gone over to the other side of the mirror. (Oursler in Ardenne 2005: 45)


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