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saved May 25/2007 01:51PM by gabriella giannachi
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Gary Hill

(Equal Time, 1979; Videograms 1980-81; Site Recite (A Prologue), 1989; Cut Pipe, 1992; Withershins, 1995)

Writing was a release from image processing and pure image exploration, which was really getting boring. Speaking and talking became necessities. Finding a [syntactical] weave between speech and image signalled itself as a direction for me. Suddenly I had the feeling that I was doing something that nobody else was doing, in video anyway. (Hill in Sazzarin 2000: 215)

"The act of visual interpretation can be understood as isomorphic to the reading of a text: just as reading creates the text, so seeing conjures meaning. In one of his most prophetic early works [Primarily Speaking (1981-3)], Hill had asked 'who am I but a figure of speech?'" (Cooke 2000: 138)


speech and presence


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