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saved Nov 30/2007 06:49AM by Nick Kaye
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Inasmuch As It Is Always Already Taking Place (1990)

"Inasmuch recalls an age when art was thought to be an illusion, a trick played on the senses. Here, the images are not illusory, but time itself is hidden from the viewer, in the way that segments of time are made to appear limitless. In folding time back on itself, a seemingly simple concept, Hill has fashioned a creature whose humanness poses an existential challenge." (London 2000: 19)

Suspension of Disbelief (for Marine) (1992)

"Images of two bodies, the dominant one female, the other male, move across the screens of some thirty monitors which, stripped of their casings and attached edge to edge along a steel beam, create a potential linar continuum [...] So rapid is their passage that it becomes impossible to focus clearly on even a single frame, to fix it and hence appropriate it..." (Cooke 2000: 136)

more to come


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