21 FOR 21


The Castle


October 21, 5pm

Venue The MacIntyre Theatre at the University of Victoria in Victoria BC Canada.
Director Fran Gebhard
Web Link
E-mail Contact

For further information email frannieg21@yahoo.com

About the play

The Castle is a glorious staged reading made by our second year acting students as part of their class for this semester. The course number is 218.


Stucley - A Knight - Luke Pennock

Batter - His servant - Scott Hendrickson

Krak - An Arab prisoner - Andrew Barrett, Jack Heyes

Ann - Stucley’s wife, a changed woman - Halley Fulford, Chelsea Bunyan

Skinner - Molly Noonan, Courtney Butler, Dannielle Currie

Hush - Jack Heyes

Nailer - A priest - Jordan Gardener

Holiday - A builder - Jordan Gardener


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