The Builders Association and dbox, SUPER VISION: PERFORMER PRESENCE

SUPER VISION tells three stories

1. As he crosses successive borders, a solitary traveler gradually is forced to reveal all of his personal information, until his identity becomes transparent, with no part of his life left outside the boundaries of datasurveillance.

2. A young woman (Jen), addicted to the white noise of constant connection, maintains a long-distance relationship with her Grandmother. As she makes efforts to digitally archive her Grandmother's past, the Grandmother slips into senility.

3. A father covertly exploits his young son's personal data to meet the demands of the family's lifestyle. This ploy escalates beyond the father's control, until he is compelled to disappear. His wife and son are left with a starkly diminished data portrait, and his escape is shadowed by the long reach of the datasphere.

Norman Frisch: text to come

Norman Frisch describes the performance as a cyborg in the sense that it emphasizes the ‘real,’ but does so by employing all these mediated channels. So even though you are very aware of when performers are in mediation or not, in watching the performance you can’t really separate these worlds.

Moe Angelos: It is an odd hybrid. One can’t exist without the other.

As a performer, do you find yourself thinking of one mode of performance through the other, or are you focused on the composition on the screen?

Moe Angelos: Good question. I think that I am mostly focusing on being in the scene as an actor and saying my lines and having a good rapport with Tanya Selvaratnam, whom I am playing with, but again it is an odd situation as I am not with her in the same physical space. It is like an instant chat, like a video chat with someone. Maybe it is because I use that technology in my life for video chatting that it seems sort of ‘real’. It is curious, and I don’t really know why that is, but it is riveting to watch someone in real time – you see me and you see Tanya, but then to see the projected result of it, the mediated result of it, is very exciting and I don’t know why, do you?