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saved May 14/2007 06:24AM by nk
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Tony Oursler

"Blob is a funny word, an ugly thing. It's alive and nobody knows why. Maybe it came from outer space or it came from a science experiment gone bad or from pollution or from the sea or out of a really sick body. It never stops moving, moving all around with no place to go. When will it die. It can't die by any means known to man at this moment." (Oursler......)

"The blob is scary because we do not understand it nor do we easily recognize it. Always changing shape, it's more like a spill than a sphere (...) It's lile Jell-O or slime or mold." (Oursler....)

"Though the blob is beyond any identifiable features, it is still a character, an irreducible entity." (Oursler......)

Nick Kaye: Blob (2004) tests the viewer's emotional identification with a time-based image that is given three-dimensional form. The blob is the body pared down and abstracted toward a collapse of recognisable features; a hybrid media entity, the blob mimics a kind of empathetic, inarticulate pet.

Such a 'reduction' acts as a foil to Oursler's implicit examination of the operation of the media structure: as this 'irreducible entity' emerges, in time and repetition, as something to be identified with, so the blob emerges as an operation of the media taking place primarily on the viewer.

Important here is the repetition, the loop, and the relationship to the object.


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